The Island Crew

Our commitment to protecting personal data and safeguarding user activity has been baked into every product we’ve developed over the last 40+ years. We pride ourselves on taking the most complex tasks imaginable and providing simple solutions.

The team has been granted many industry awards including 6 PC Magazine Editor’s Choice Awards, 60+ patents in network technology, and honorarium from NASA for the development of ARCNET.

  • CEO/Co-founder

    Accompanying his older brother to Datapoint daily for a work-study program, Lewis began coding at 13. By 16, he had been hired by Jonathan and created a network analytics application sold worldwide. From then on, Lewis’ career followed that of his mentor, working for Jonathan while in college until they co-founded Performance Technology in 1985. After the successful sale of the latter business, Lewis co-founded PerfTech in 2001, has authored several dozen patents, and continues to lead new technology projects.

  • Engineer/Co-founder

    “Murf” sports a license plate that reads “ARCNET” for good reason: at Datapoint, he was credited with inventing ARCNET, the first widely available networking system for microcomputers. Named the Father of ARCNET, Murf has been honored by NASA for his role. Jonathan, Lewis, and Murf have collaborated for more than 40 years, providing a foundation of expertise upon which a prolific set of networking products has been created. Fulfilling his childhood passion for magic tricks, Murf has also been an active amateur magician for the past 25 years, entertaining audiences through Rubber Chicken Productions.

  • Co-founder/Emeritus

    A survivor of childhood polio, Jonathan went on to become the VP of Advanced Product Development at Datapoint Corporation (1969-1985) with 10,000 employees worldwide at the time; there his core group created the industry's first commercial LAN (ARCNET). As a co-founder of Performance Technology in 1985, he was named an Inc. Magazine "Entrepreneur of the Year.” Since co-founding PerfTech In 2001, Jonathan has served as a technical visionary and strategist and has authored numerous patents.

  • Office and Human Resources Manager

  • Senior Applications Engineer

  • Marketing, Product Management

  • Applications and Support Engineer

  • Senior Software Engineer

  • Marketing Communications

  • Software Engineer

  • Senior Software Engineer

  • User Interface Engineer

  • Executive Vice President

  • Regional Business Partner Executive

  • Regional Business Partner Executive